Sales Skills
April 9, 2024

Communicate with Influence: Navigating your org and managing client needs


Being in a sales role puts you in a unique position to be a bridge between your organization and your clients. You are at a vantage point to influence and to communicate decisions that could make an impact on your career or your company. However, managing your client needs while also prioritizing your organization’s interest has its challenges. So how do you find balance and ensure the needs of both sides are met?In our panel discussion “Communicate with Influence,”  April Marks (GitLab), Chelsea Andersson (Templafy) and Katie Capuzzo (WISE) unpacked the importance of communication, both internally within an org and externally with clients. Here are some key takeaways to guide you in your professional journey.

Silence can be loud.

Advocating for your cause is important, but listening and taking a reflective pause can be just as powerful. There are times to voice your opinion or give feedback, but there are also times to hold back.

Know your audience.

By asking questions and learning what's important to them, you better understand the why behind a decision. Do research to know your audience so you can tailor your approach when communicating with them.

You've earned your influence.

If you're in the room, don't let thoughts of inadequacy get in the way of sharing your ideas and solutions. Absorb as much information as you can and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Building trust with those you work with, both internal and external, involves getting to know them and knowing what truly matters to them. Once the trust is established, you can confidently communicate with them so you can meet their needs and build fruitful relationships. Panelist Recommendations:

Want to learn more? You can stream the full event recording here.

Thank you to all of the WISE partners for making this event possible and our panelists for sharing their time and advice.