Career Growth
April 9, 2024

Journey in Sales


A traditional sales background isn’t a requirement for a successful career. Let us be your hype-women for a second…your unique experiences and authentic personality are what sets you apart and sets you up for long-term success. Lean into the momentary uncomfort and before you know it, you’ll have gained another skill for your set.

In our panel discussion “Journey in Sales,” Anna Connors (Adyen), Nicole Reinwald (Movable Ink), Emmanouela Androulaki (Braze) and Katie Capuzzo (WISE), shared their leadership journeys and their perspectives on navigating a career in sales.

Here are some key takeaways to guide you in your professional journey.

Progress not perfection.

It’s not about getting it all right, but rather trusting your gut and trying new things. Mistakes humanize us and keep us relatable, so ask for that promotion, make that career pivot or lead that initiative with confidence!

Be yourself.

You know those “weaknesses” we try to avoid at all costs? Stop. Authenticity makes us memorable so lean into those quirks and use them to your advantage.

You know you best.

This is especially true with your achievements and career desires. Even the best manager can’t advocate for you as well as you can, so speak up and speak often.

Widen your network.

Don’t be afraid to meet people and make connections. Nurture internal relationships and build external connections with people from different backgrounds.

Always be learning.

Be an intentional learner. Build your career with intentional resources around you such as mentors, coaches, books, etc. so you can continue developing and honing your skills. WISE has a wealth of free resources for all learners.

Regardless of where you find yourself today, remember that career growth isn’t always linear but if you remain authentic to yourself and to the customer, your value is undeniable. Think of new opportunities as chances to learn and develop your professional skills and the rest will fall into place.

Need some career advice? Ask our experts at

Want to learn more? You can stream the full event recording here.

Thank you to all of the WISE partners for making this event possible and our panelists for sharing their time and advice.