Professional Development
September 9, 2024

Journey in Sales



A career in sales can be hugely fulfilling, but it requires a growth mindset and comfortability challenging yourself.

In our panel discussion "Journey in Sales" our panelists Sarah Collin (, Judy Covington (Bandwidth Inc.), Anna McMahon (ServiceTrade), and Katie Capuzzo (WISE). shared their journeys and perspectives in exploring career opportunities.

Here are some key takeaways to guide you in your professional journey.

Should you stay or should you go?

Many factors can influence someone’s decision to stay at an org or explore outside opportunities. A helpful framework to ask yourself when making these decisions is - am I learning, am I growing, am I being challenged? If you decide that moving on is the best option for you, be sure not to confuse “perks” with benefits that last. Pro tip: Define culture for yourself and ask each person you interview with how they live out the culture.

Be open to unexpected opportunities.

Two of our panelists were introduced to tech sales in unconventional ways - one at a restaurant and one at a bank. This sentiment also applies with internal opportunities to take on new projects and initiatives. Never pass up the chance to learn and grow your skill set.

Wear your company hat first.

When figuring out where you can add the most value, consider what’s best for the customer and company. Use the results as a guide for how you make decisions and prioritize your time. It’s also invaluable to be a good partner and invest in cross functional relationships early, BEFORE you need something in return.


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Want to learn more? You can stream the full event recording here.

Thank you to all of the WISE partners for making this event possible and our panelists for sharing their time and advice.