Career Growth
October 4, 2024

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Male-Dominated Industries

Insights from Journey Untold Ep. 6 with Maya Mikhailov.


Katie Capuzzo

Imposter syndrome is that inner critic whispering, “You don’t belong here.” For women in male-dominated industries like tech, finance, and AI, this self-doubt can be a constant companion, quietly eroding confidence. Yet, some of the most successful women in business have faced these same doubts and learned how to silence them. Their stories remind us that we not only belong in these rooms—we deserve to lead them.

One such story is that of Maya Mikhailov, a trailblazer in the fields of AI and fintech, who built her career in spaces where she was often the only woman at the table. Maya’s journey offers powerful lessons for anyone battling imposter syndrome and seeking to thrive in environments that weren’t traditionally designed for them.

Imposter Syndrome Isn’t a Sign of Weakness, It’s a Sign You’re Growing

Even the most accomplished professionals experience moments of doubt. For Maya, that moment came while leading her tech startup, GP Shopper, which landed major clients like Best Buy and Express. Despite the company's success, she often found herself questioning her right to be in the room with top executives. That all changed when Lisa Gavalla, an executive at Express, turned to her in a crowded meeting and asked, “What do you think we should do for our digital presence?”

This moment was pivotal. It reminded Maya—and it reminds all of us—that imposter syndrome often rears its head when you’re stepping into new, challenging spaces. It’s not a sign that you’re unworthy; it’s a sign that you’re pushing your boundaries and learning. The key is to push through that discomfort and lean into the fact that you’ve earned your place.

Claim Your Expertise, Even When Others Don’t See It Yet

Despite growing up in a family of engineers and excelling in data and mathematics, Maya often found herself feeling out of place in tech—a feeling many women share. Early in her career, she was frequently the only woman in rooms filled with male engineers, developers, and executives. Rather than letting that stop her, she began to trust her expertise and see her unique perspective as an asset.

Her deep understanding of AI and machine learning allowed her to transform GP Shopper from a simple shopping app into a powerful tool that merged in-store and online shopping experiences, capturing the attention of retail giants and banks alike. She could stay true to her skills, despite the external noise, that propelled her forward.

The takeaway here is clear: don’t wait for others to validate your expertise. You bring value, and if you don’t claim it, no one else will.

Finding Allies Is Essential to Success

One of the most important lessons from Maya’s journey is the power of finding allies in male-dominated spaces. These allies can be male or female, but they share one key trait: they believe in your ability, often even before you do.

For Maya, her most critical allies came at pivotal moments. When she was pregnant while selling GP Shopper to Synchrony Financial, it quickly became clear who valued her expertise versus who only saw her condition. By focusing on the allies who supported her vision and respected her leadership, Maya successfully led her company through a high-stakes acquisition—all while navigating the challenges of impending motherhood.

Her story underscores the importance of building relationships with people who amplify your voice and your ideas. Whether it’s mentors, peers, or business partners, the right allies will help you overcome barriers that imposter syndrome often builds.

Perfection Isn’t the Goal … Progress Is

Imposter syndrome often tricks us into thinking we need to be perfect to succeed. But as Maya’s career demonstrates, success isn’t about perfection—it’s about persistence.

Building GP Shopper wasn’t a straight path. Like any startup, there were moments of failure, technical mishaps, and sleepless nights where Maya questioned if they were on the right track. Yet, she learned to embrace the iterative process of entrepreneurship.

This lesson applies beyond startups—whether you’re in corporate leadership or breaking into a new industry, it’s the determination to keep moving forward, even when things go wrong, that ultimately leads to success. Imposter syndrome tells us we need to be perfect; the reality is we just need to keep progressing.

Redefining Success on Your Terms

Maya didn’t measure success by traditional standards. To her, success wasn’t just building a company and selling it. It was about creating something meaningful, empowering others, and continuing to innovate.

Today, as the founder of Savvy AI, Maya is focused on making artificial intelligence accessible to businesses that don’t have the deep pockets of large enterprises. Her career has been driven by one key principle: solving big, important problems with technology. Along the way, she’s remained true to her values—balancing innovation with inclusivity, persistence with flexibility.

This redefinition of success is critical for anyone fighting imposter syndrome. It’s not about meeting external expectations; it’s about creating impact, however you define it.


Imposter syndrome is a universal experience, but it doesn’t have to define your journey. Maya Mikhailov’s career is a testament to the power of resilience, self-belief, and the importance of surrounding yourself with the right allies. By trusting your expertise, finding your voice, and embracing the messy, imperfect process of progress, you can move past self-doubt and build a legacy of your own.

For more inspiration, don’t miss the next episode of Journey Untold—where stories of perseverance are always front and center.

Journey Untold 

For more stories like Maya’s, tune into Journey Untold, hosted Katie Capuzzo. In each episode, Katie shines a light on women who have taken ownership of their careers and redefined what success means to them. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, the women featured on Journey Untold offer invaluable lessons on resilience, leadership, and breaking barriers.

Subscribe to Journey Untold on Apple and Spotify to hear firsthand accounts of how women like Maya are overcoming obstacles and paving the way for the next generation of leaders.