WISE Member of the Month: July 2023


Each month, WISE selects a member of the community to share their sales knowledge and story. We are excited to announce Anjali Standish as our July 2023 Member of the Month!

Anjali is an accomplished sales leader and joined the WISE community this year.

What is one way you practice self-care?

My morning is sacred to me. I wish I woke up at 5 am and maybe one day I will. But realistically for me I wake up between 7 and 8 on a good day. Even on days when I sleep in I try to stick to my routine. I do a short yoga/ stretching. I have an espresso machine that came from Italy, my prized possession! I get locally roasted beans from a coffee shop. I make my latte and read or at times scroll TikTok and snuggle with my corgi. I try not to open my email or Slack until after I've finished my coffee and grounded myself. A morning routine became really important to me as we went fully remote.

What is something you've learned about your professional self this year?

I've always been a planner and someone who thrives with routine and processes. This year I've learned how to be more comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty (not by choice). I work at an EdTech company and ChatGBT coming onto the market was a very stressful time to say the least. But it's been a great exercise. In the past, I used to get stressed out when things didn't go according to plan. But this year, I've learned to embrace the unknown and to be flexible in my approach. I'm also someone who struggles with imposter syndrome. This year, I've also been making an effort to chose confidence. I've learned that I AM capable of handling more responsibility and that I can make a real difference in the lives of my clients. This has given me a renewed sense of confidence and purpose in my work.

Why is a community like WISE important to you?

I love being surrounded by strong women. I'm building a sense of community and my professional network. I feel like I have a group of trusted professional advisors in my pocket. I appreciate the sessions that are held and feel like it's great to have a way to work on my professional goals.

Join Anjali and the WISE Community to utilize all the WISE membership benefits to push your career to the next level by applying here